Airport Operations

The Airport Operations Department has a broad range of duties centered on delivering the cornerstone objectives of ensuring the safety and security of the airport. Security of the airport is established under Transportation Security Regulation (TSR) Part 1542 and safe operation of the airport is established under Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) 139. The Airport operates under a specific set of rules and regulations. The updated version of the Rules and Regulations was approved by the SMAA Board on May 20, 2019. A copy of this document can be found here: Rules and Regulations. The department includes personnel who maintain the security access control system that is used to control access to the ramp/apron areas. Airport operations personnel monitor the airfield for security problems 24/7, and check all runways and taxiways on a daily basis for compliance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) standards. The heart of the Operations Department is the Airport Communications Center (AIRCOM). AIRCOM is a 24 hour-a-day airport control center that performs emergency and non-emergency communication functions. The staff's responsibilities consists of monitoring essential safety and security systems including the security access control system, fire alarm systems, the Air Traffic Control Tower ring-down emergency line, and the closed circuit television surveillance cameras. AIRCOM also manages all airport emergency calls, answers telephone calls from the public, and makes paging announcements throughout the terminal. AIRCOM provides dispatching service via the 800-radio system base unit to all airport groups including Police, Fire, and Operations . In the event of a major incident, AIRCOM coordinates all mutual aid calls to outside responding agencies. The Operations Department also includes ID badging. The Operations Security Coordinator conducts all services required for ID badging including fingerprinting, background checks, and security training.

Airport Emergency Plan

SRQ Emergency Contingency Plan

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D



Any person desiring to distribute literature, display signs or otherwise communicate with members of the public at the Airport, in the exercise of First Amendment rights, including picketing but excluding charitable, religious or commercial solicitation, shall first obtain a written permit from the President, CEO. The person requesting such permit shall submit a written application setting forth: 

(1) The name, mailing address (no post office box number) and telephone number of the person and the organization sponsoring, promoting or conducting the proposed activities, and the person who will assume supervision of or responsibility for the activities;

(2) The subject matter and purpose of the proposed distribution or communication;

(3) The dates and hours during which the activities are proposed to be carried out and the expected duration of the activities;

(4) The number of persons to be engaged in the activities at any given time;

(5) The specific location at the Airport where the applicant desires to conduct the activities;

(6) A statement that the distribution of printed matter or the display of any signs, is not for purposes of charitable, religious or commercial solicitation;

(7) A statement agreeing to indemnify and hold harmless the Authority, its officers, agents and employees against any claim that might be made against them by reason of activities conducted by the applicant pursuant to the permit. 

The permit shall be issued with reasonable promptness, not later than 5 days following receipt of the application by the President, CEO, or the applicant shall be furnished with a written statement within such period, indicating why the issuance of the permit was delayed or denied. Submit application to:

Sarasota Manatee Airport Authority
Attn: President/CEO
6000 Airport Circle
Sarasota, FL