GA Customs


SRQ is a U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) User Fee Airport.  The CBP facility services are available anytime, however, prior arrangements must be made to ensure staffing.
General Aviation CBP Clearance Procedures:

  • Prior arrangements with CBP are required for processing arriving international GA aircraft at SRQ. CBP services should be scheduled by email at [email protected] or telephone via +813-927-0074 or 941-359-5040, facsimile clearance requests are not accepted at SRQ.

  • CBP requires two (2) hours’ notice prior to arrival at SRQ, including updating arrival times.

  • SRQ CBP general office hours are Monday-Friday, from 9:00 – 17:00 EST.

  • Scheduling outside of general office hours is available with additional fee.

  • The U.S. CBP General Aviation Facility at SRQ is located on the east air carrier ramp, near Taxiway R5.  Request progressive taxi from ATC as needed.

  • Persons on board arriving flights are required to remain on board aircraft until CBP Officer is present and escorts them to the facility.

Sarasota Manatee Airport Authority User Fees

Single Engine Piston 

Multi-Engine Piston               

Turboprop Single/Multi

Jet – Small (<20,000 lbs. MTOW)        

Jet – Medium (20,001 – 60,000 lbs. MTOW)

Jet – Large (>60,001 lbs. MTOW)

After-Hours Clearing Fee*                 

$50.00 per aircraft clearing

$100.00 per aircraft clearing

$150.00 per aircraft clearing

$200.00 per aircraft clearing

$300.00 per aircraft clearing

$350.00 per aircraft clearing

$200.00 per aircraft clearing

*The After-Hours clearing fee of $200.00 will be added to all aircraft clearings outside CBP general office hours in addition to the aircraft clearing fee.
Customs and Border Protection
6048 Airport Circle Sarasota, Florida 34243-2159 Voice 813-927-0074 or 941-359-5040.
Additional information on a wide variety of Customs and Border Protection topics including news, traveler’s information, careers, imports, CBP forms and much more are available on these links.