Published: February 2023

2023 SRQ Passenger Aircraft Disaster Response Exercise (PADRE)

The Sarasota Bradenton International Airport (SRQ) will conduct their triennial Emergency Disaster Drill on Wednesday, February 22, 2023, from 1900 to 2200 with mutual aid partners from Sarasota and Manatee Counties, and State and Federal agencies. Local Media is invited to attend this drill to observe, record, and pass information to the public about the protocols and procedures used during actual aircraft or airport emergencies. 

Background Information

In order to maintain its FAA airport operator certificate, the Sarasota Manatee Airport Authority (SMAA) must conduct a full-scale exercise every three years. The drill allows the airport and responding outside agencies to evaluate their emergency response procedures, take any corrective action, and be prepared in case of an actual aircraft emergency. The drill will involve approximately 250 people and more than 20 different mutual aid partners. Volunteers will act as aircraft incident victims with various injuries, while airport personnel and multi-agency first responders will conduct the tasks related to emergency response.

Agencies participating in the exercise include SRQ’s Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighters (ARFF), Airport Operations, Airport Police, Airport Facilities, the FAA Air Traffic Control, Airline partners, Emergency Response Services from both counties (Fire/EMS), Emergency Management teams from both counties, Manatee and Sarasota Counties’ Sheriff’s Offices, The Sarasota Police Department, the New College Police Department, The Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. Customs & Border Protection, Allegiant Air (who will be providing an aircraft for the event) the American Red Cross, and the Salvation Army. Media is invited to cover the event and will be escorted to the different scenes.

For Further Information Contact:
Jeff Sasada, Manager, Airport Operations
Sarasota Bradenton International Airport (SRQ)
Tel. (941) 359-2770, extension 4597
Cell (941) 565-6474